Nebari How-to's
Welcome to Nebari!
Practical step-by-step guides to help you achieve a specific goal. Most useful when you're trying to get something done.
📄️ Submit batch jobs with kbatch
Using kbatch to submit batch jobs
📄️ Deploy Nebari on GCP
A basic overview of how to deploy Nebari on GCP.
📄️ Deploy Nebari on AWS
A basic overview of how to deploy Nebari on AWS
📄️ Deploy Nebari on Digital Ocean
A basic overview of how to deploy Nebari on Digital Ocean
📄️ Deploy Nebari on Azure
A basic overview of how to deploy Nebari on Azure
📄️ Deploy Nebari HPC on bare metal machines
HPC-based Nebari deployments
📄️ Setup Nebari domain registry
Setting a custom DNS Domain Registry
📄️ Using Visual Studio (VS) Code
Using VS Code as your development environment