Welcome to Nebari!
Thanks for being interested in contributing to Nebari. We're glad you want to join this community! Open source doesn't always have the best reputation for being friendly and welcoming. The Nebari team believes that everyone belongs in open source, and Nebari is dedicated to making you feel welcome.
All contributions are welcome, including issues, contributing code, new docs as well as updates and tweaks, blog posts, helping out people, organizing community events, working on accessibility and design items, and more. Continue reading to learn what the community can do for you and what you can do for the community. By contributing to open source projects, you can connect with people, learn new skills, become a subject-matter expert, and apply all learnings to your projects.
Code of conduct
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
Read the Nebari Code of Conduct.
Getting support
GitHub Discussions serve as our user forum. You can use them to raise discussions about a subject, such as: "What is the recommended way to do X with Nebari?"
The Nebari issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, documentation requests, and submitting pull requests.
How to contribute
We want to make the contributing experience within Nebari fun, enjoyable, and educational for anyone and everyone. Contributions go far beyond pull requests and commits if you're interested in participating in the Nebari community.
There are many ways in which you can help Nebari (they're all important, so we list them in alphabetical order):
- Code maintenance and development
- Community coordination and contributor experience
- DevOps
- Fundraising
- Marketing
- Project management
- Content translation and internationalization
- Website design and development
- Writing technical documentation
- Opening issues and reviewing Pull Requests
Help fellow users
Answering questions for fellow Nebari users on GitHub Discussions are valuable contributions. You can also help users on issues and Pull Requests to contribute or fix their issues.
Contribute documentation
You can help make the docs awesome. We strive to create inclusive, comprehensive, and enjoyable documentation for our users and everyone can help! Found a typo or an incorrect code example? Put up a PR! Found a better way to explain a concept? Put up a PR! Contributions to our documentation are valuable and greatly appreciated.
Contribute code
Help triage issues
Triaging an issue means gathering missing information, running the given reproduction, verifying the issue's validity, and investigating the root cause of the problem. You don't have to triage an issue with the goal of fixing it (although it would undoubtedly be much appreciated), but sharing your investigation results can save us a ton of time.
Our contributing and community guidelines take inspiration from the following projects:
- Gatsby JS
- Kubernetes community and contribution guidelines
- CC Open Source
- Bokeh
- NumPy
- Julia Language
- nteract
📄️ Welcome to Nebari!
Thanks for being interested in contributing to Nebari. We're glad you want to join this community!
📄️ Bug triaging and issue curation
The Nebari issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, documentation requests, and